In the field of hair transplant, the term hair graft refers to the hair-bearing graft that is used to transplant hair from the donor site into the bald or balding area of the scalp, known as the recipient site. Given that the hair in the back of the patient’s scalp is less exposed to balding or hair loss, hair follicles are extracted from there and moved to the bald areas.
There are different types of hair grafts depending on certain factors. As a general classification, we can distinguish single grafts and micro grafts. Depending on the hair transplant technique, we can distinguish grafts that contain just a single hair follicle, single follicular unit or multiple follicular units.
Used extensively in follicular unit extraction (FUE) procedures, single grafts refer to individual hair follicles that are being transplanted one by one. With the help of single hair grafts, natural looking hairlines can be achieved. Because it implies a meticulous procedure, these hair grafts are more expensive than other similar procedures, and the hair transplant surgery associated with it is carried out in several consecutive sessions. These grafts are used predominantly to cover a thin line of baldness and for patients who wear their hair short.
When more than just a single graft is extracted at a time and transplanted as a unit, we are dealing with micro-grafts. Compared to single grafts, micro-grafts are used to give patient’s hair a fuller appearance, and are employed in cases when patients are dealing with severe baldness. Because they are harvested and transplanted in groups, the entire procedure is not as demanding as the single graft procedure, and it’s less costly as a result. The only drawback of micro-grafts is that patients cannot wear their hairs very shot with this procedure, as their scalp may have a patched appearance. This type of hair graft allows a faster surgery time, as a large number of hair follicles can be transplanted during a single session.
Apart from single and micro grafts, there are also double follicular units (DFU) and triple follicular units (TFU). These are called double or triple depending on the number of rows they are placed in. Compared to the FUE procedure, both of these procedures allow hair surgeons to achieve faster results at a lower cost. If patient are not dealing with severe baldness, surgeons are able to carry out the hair transplant in only one session.
Deciding which hair graft procedure to go with depends on each particular case. You can discuss each of these procedures at length with your hair surgeon, who will offer you a free consultation along with a price estimate. Once your exact requirements have been assessed, you will usually be informed about the advantages and disadvantages of each procedure with respect to your particular case. A good hair surgeon will offer you expert advice and will have your best interests at heart. Given that these transplant procedures are permanent, it is essential that you choose wisely.